A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 284
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: session_set_cookie_params(): Session cookie parameters cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 296
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 306
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 316
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 317
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 318
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 319
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 377
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php
Line Number: 108
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: session_set_save_handler(): Session save handler cannot be changed when a session is active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 110
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: session_start(): Ignoring session_start() because a session is already active
Filename: Session/Session.php
Line Number: 143
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/application/controllers/Industry_updates.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct
File: /home2/amanaayg/public_html/lithiumionbattery.org/index.php
Line: 332
Function: require_once
Ather Energy
Ather Energy
Ather Energy is the brainchild of IIT graduates Tarun Mehta & Swapnil Jain and is among the few hardware start-ups in India. It was founded in 2013 and has received funding from Hero MotoCorp, Tiger Global and Flipkart founders Sachin & Binny Bansal. Aided by a breakthrough in the in-house designed Lithium-ion battery pack design.
The Ather S340 has a touchscreen dashboard connected to the cloud, host of smart features and offers a top speed of 72 kmph. The scooter is designed in-house by Ather and will be manufactured in India. On February 23, 2016, the company unveiled their product to the public at a technology conference called Surge in Bangalore India
Contact Details
Company Name
Ather Energy
Electric Motorcycles